…says bill critical in enhancing national security

A rights group, Save Nigeria Movement, has rolled out drums to celebrate as the Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Trust Fund Bill, sponsored by Hon. Philip Agbese passes first reading in the House of Representatives, describing it as a crucial milestone that represents a significant step towards enhancing national security efforts in the country.

The CSO that prides as a frontline advocate for good governance and policy reforms in a press release signed by Rev. Solomon Semaka, the Convener of Save Nigeria Movement and made available to journalists in Abuja, hailed the initiative and commended the sponsor of the bill for his foresight and determination in addressing Nigeria’s national security challenges, urging other lawmakers to think outside the box and come out with similar progressive laws and reforms.

The statement read in part, “the establishment of the Security and Civil Defence Trust Fund comes at a time when Nigeria is grappling with numerous security challenges. The bill which aims to provide a dedicated source of funding for the Nigerian Security and Civil Defence Corps (NSCDC), will empower the agency to protect critical infrastructure such oil and power installations as well as combat emerging threats, and safeguard the lives and property of citizens effectively”.

Drawing inspiration from successful models such as the Police Trust Fund, NYSC Trust Fund, TETFUND, and Industrial Trust Fund, the CSO expressed optimism that the proposed NSCDC Trust Fund will yield significant benefits to the Corps especially in the area of providing modern equipment, training facilities, and improved working conditions, thereby bolstering the morale and overall effectiveness of personnel.

According to the statement, “the envisioned benefits of the NSCDC Trust Fund include but not limited to the acquisition of advanced weapons and protective gear, enhancing surveillance kits, procuring utility vehicles, and establishing modern office spaces and accommodation facilities for personnel. This timely infusion of resources will undoubtedly elevate the operational capabilities of the agency, enabling them to respond swiftly and efficiently to emerging security threats”

The CSO equally commended the unwavering support from members of the House of Representatives for the bill which demonstrated their recognition of the indispensable role played by the Nigerian Security and Civil Defence Corps in safeguarding the nation’s critical assets and lives as it went further to call for continued support from other stakeholders to ensure the successful passage of the bill into law and its implementation.

“Nigerians owe a debt of gratitude to Hon. Philip Agbese for this proactive and pragmatic piece of legislation. The support shown the bill by his colleagues points to the substance and depth of the bill. We urge him to continue blazing the trail as a lawmaker of repute. The unanimous support given to this bill also reflects the trust placed in the leadership of Dr. Ahmed Abubakar Audi, the quintessential Commandant General of NSCDC, who has been the first to be appointed from within the ranks of the organisation. His experience and commitment to the agency’s mission have been instrumental in garnering support for the bill’s passage. His reforms are yielding positive results and Nigeria shall soon be free from all forms of insecurity,” the statement added.

The statement reiterated that “as the bill progresses to subsequent readings, civil society organisations, citizens, and relevant stakeholders are urged to unite in their support to ensure its successful implementation. By rallying behind this initiative, Nigeria can strengthen its security apparatus, protect its people, and create an environment conducive to sustainable development and progress”. Save Nigeria Movement stands ready to work hand in hand with the government to make the NSCDC Trust Fund a resounding success, for the benefit of all Nigerians.


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