Farmers across Benue, Nasarawa, and other regions have begun harvesting peanuts, commonly known as groundnuts among Nigerian farmers. Those currently harvesting planted in areas with good soil moisture retention during early rainfall.

Buyers in Doma, Agyaragu, and other markets in Nasarawa State are eagerly seeking fresh groundnuts from known producers. Last week, a hundred-kilogram bag sold for N40,000, prompting farmers with supply requests to bring their produce to market.

However, many farmers exercise caution while harvesting early due to the difficulty of drying groundnuts in the middle of the wet season and the risk of maintaining the crop if prices fall. Some farmers supply based on demand, while others harvest only to meet immediate needs to avoid market glut and financial loss.

Currently, at harvest, the price per bag (N40,000) is the highest it has ever been. Depending on the variety and quality, old dried groundnuts per 100kg sell for between N45,000 to N65,000. At Agyaragu market along the Lafia-Makurdi expressway, 100kg of shelled groundnuts ranges from N100,000 to N130,000, contingent on product quality.

Even the groundnut byproduct, kuli-kuli, is valued at over N60,000 in Nasarawa-Eggon, a district well known for manufacturing groundnut oil. In addition to being used for feeding, kuli-kuli is a popular snack among many, especially students, and is often consumed with garri.


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