By Sunnie ALEGHE, Ph.D. Security Consultant

Threat is any indication or declaration of an intent to inflict harm, damage, or other hostile actions against an individual, organization, or state.

Threat encompasses physical violence, economic sanctions, and other forms of aggression. A threat implies a potential for harm and typically involves an element of intimidation or coercion.

The recent over 400% increase in energy tariffs, leading to fewer homes being able to afford security lighting, have significant security consequences. It undermined the progress earlier made in reducing burglary rates and pose a threat to the safety and security of the residents in Shangisha Magodo.

Addressing this issue may require policy interventions or community initiatives to ensure that all residents can maintain adequate security measures by urgently reducing energy costs or providing street lights in the communities.

The absence of security lights makes residential homes more vulnerable to burglaries. Darkness provides cover for intruders, making it easier for them to approach and break into homes undetected. Studies have shown that well-lit areas are less likely to be targeted by criminals because visibility increases the risk of being caught.

Residents may soon experience increased fear and anxiety due to the heightened risk of criminal activity. The lack of lighting ostensibly creates a sense of vulnerability and insecurity, affecting the overall quality of life and mental well-being of the community.

The collective safety of the Shangisha Magodo community can diminish as more homes without security lights become targets for burglary. This can lead to a rise in crime rates, creating a more dangerous environment for all residents.

An increase in burglaries could strain local law enforcement resources. Police may need to allocate more time and effort to respond to break-ins, investigate crimes, and maintain public safety, potentially diverting resources from other important areas.

Residents might face financial losses due to theft of personal property and the costs associated with repairing damage from break-ins.


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