A performance report by OrderPaper, a parliamentary monitoring organization, has highlighted significant issues with the progress of the 10th National Assembly during its first year. Despite a notable increase in the number of bills sponsored, the report reveals slow progress and concerns about legislative practices.

Key Findings from the Report:

  • Slow Progress on Bills: Out of 1,175 bills introduced in the House of Representatives, only 58 have been passed. A substantial 967 bills remain stuck, awaiting a second reading. This slow progression reflects ongoing challenges in advancing legislation through the parliamentary process.
  • Recycling of Proposals: The report notes a concerning trend of recycling bills from previous assemblies. Nearly one-third of the bills processed were resurrected from past sessions, raising issues about potential legislative ‘copy-pasting’ and suggesting a lack of innovation in bill proposals.
  • Lack of Focus on Critical Issues: The report highlights a deficiency in addressing critical sectors such as agriculture, food security, and security. These areas accounted for less than 10% of the total bills introduced, indicating a need for greater focus on pressing national issues.
  • Performance of Lawmakers: The report reveals that 149 members of the House of Representatives did not sponsor any bills during the first year. Notably, 62% of these representatives are first-time lawmakers, raising questions about their engagement and effectiveness.
  • Call for Accountability: OrderPaper’s Founder and Executive Director, Oke Epia, emphasized the need for citizens to demand accountability from lawmakers. He urged a shift from focusing on the sheer volume of bills to assessing their quality, impact, and progression through the legislative process.

Epia stated that while there has been an increase in bill submissions, the challenge remains in moving bills to legislative completion. He called for urgent action from legislators, citizens, and parliamentary partners to ensure that legislative efforts translate into impactful laws that address Nigeria’s critical challenges.


  • Increased Focus on Impact: Citizens should prioritize the quality and impact of legislation over the quantity of bills sponsored.
  • Enhanced Legislative Efficiency: There is a need for improved efficiency in processing bills and avoiding repetitive legislative proposals.
  • Address Critical Issues: Greater attention should be given to key sectors such as agriculture, food security, and security.

OrderPaper’s report serves as a call to action for both the National Assembly and the public to work towards more effective and meaningful legislative governance.


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