Rising-Up for a United Nigeria (RUN) has said the call for the removal of the Director General of the Department of State Security (DSS) by Arewa Civil Society Organisations (ACSO) is another plot to distract the attention of the Service and the general public from the ongoing prosecution of criminal cases against highly placed individuals in the country.

Rising-Up for a United Nigeria had earlier asserted that the fracas that occured between the DSS and the Nigerian Correctional Service (NCoS) during the arraignment of the suspended Governor of Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), Mr Godwin Emefiele at the Federal High Court, Ikoyi, Lagos was orchestrated by a cabal to tarnish the image of the secret service and welcomed the resolve of the Service to thoroughly investigate the incidence.

The CSO in a statement signed by its National Convener, Amb. Solomon Adodo and Co-Convener, Mallam Suleiman Musa expressed regret that some criminally minded individuals were bent on sabotaging efforts at safeguarding the entire nation just to escape from punishment for their crimes against the people and the state.

Consequently, the CSO called on the security agencies to be vigilant and resolute not to compromise while discharging their constitutional duties stressing that the unity, peace and stability of the nation supercedes interests of any individual or group.

“It is saddening that some Nigerians have sold their consciences to corrupt elements that impoverished them while in office. Information at our disposal shows that those making such baseless call for the removal of the DG of DSS are hired goons of highly placed persons being held for terrorism and financial crimes. We have no doubt that this is a sinister plan to blackmail the federal government and its security agencies particularly the DSS from going on with some high profile terrorism linked corrupt cases it is currently handling including that of Emefiele.

“As a civil society organisation at the forefront of mobilizing the public towards active participation in governance as well as monitoring policy directives, it is imperative that we make intervention when some Individuals are obviously trying to manipulate the system for their criminal and selfish interests. Let it be known that the DSS operates under international best practices and as such, we will be the first to raise alarm if it indulges in any illegality. The Director General of the DSS, Yusuf Magaji Bichi is a patriot of unimpeachable integrity who is constantly sanitising the Service to maintain set global standards”.

According to the statement, “Emefiele and the cabal behind him have always tried to subvert the law in a desperate attempt to tarnish the impeccable image of the DSS. The incidence at a Lagos Court between the DSS and the NCoS and now the sponsored call for the removal of Bichi as DG of DSS is another grand plot orchestrated by elements loyal to Emefiele to present the DSS as a lawless agency.

“We condemn in strong terms and warn trouble makers to desist from obstructing security agencies. The smear campaigns targeted at the security agencies and the government must be resisted by all well-meaning citizens. This is the time to rise up in solidarity with the nation’s security architecture to defeat crime and criminality.

“The public must disregard the antics of unpatriotic Nigerians who are bent on derailing the DSS from carrying out it’s national security mandate. The DSS operates within the bounds of the law and adheres to international best practices through and through. As the sole agency responsible for national security, the DSS under Mr. Yusuf Bichi has recorded sterling achievements in curbing terrorism which was more rampant in the past. It is therefore not surprising that the enemies of our nation have regrouped under a new banner to thwart the gains recorded. We therefore call on all well-meaning Nigerians to support the agency and shun those trying to whip up sentiments against the Service”, the statement added.


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