…Holds Sensitization Rally

The College of Bishops, Imams, and Clergy Councils (CBICC) has called on all well-meaning Nigerians to support the efforts of President Bola Ahmed Tinubu administration in safeguarding national assets noting that the country cannot attain development if its critical assets are not preserved.

To this end, the clergy council has announced its resolve to collaborate with the security agencies particularly the Nigerian Security and Civil Defense Corps (NSCDC) in creating awareness on the need for all citizens to volunteer as vanguards for protection of public assets in the country.

Speaking at a rally on Saturday in Abuja to commence the sensitization campaign, Bishop Abel Kings, the National Coordinator, CBICC explained that the decision to support President Tinubu administration drive was reached after careful consideration of the need for religious leaders to contribute their quota in safeguarding public assets and infrastructure in the country.

Bishop Abel hinted further that in view of the importance the council attach to the initiative, the sensitization rally will be held in all the six geo-political zones to create the desired awareness on the role of the masses in the protection of national infrastructure and stressed the importance of safeguarding public assets for the well-being of all Nigerians.

“We have gathered here to announce a significant initiative aimed at raising awareness and promoting the protection of public assets in our great nation, Nigeria. The College of Bishops, Imams, and Clergy Councils (CBICC) is pleased to inform you of our readiness to support President Tinubu administrations drive to safeguard public infrastructure. With the commitment of the Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps (NSCDC) and far reaching reforms on public assets protection, this has become necessary”

“The decision to support security agencies particularly the NSCDC was reached after careful consideration of the need for religious leaders to contribute their quota in safeguarding our public assets and infrastructure in Nigeria.

“We believe that religious leaders, along with the wider community, play a crucial role in advocating for the preservation of these valuable national assets and infrastructure for the benefit of all Nigerians.

“The reforms and determination of President Tinubu administration in protecting and preserving national assets should inspire every well-meaning Nigerian to join the drive.

“No country can develop and function optimally if her national assets and infrastructure are looted, vandalized and stolen with impunity by her own citizens. Since security is a collective responsibility, we call on Nigerians to support the efforts of security agencies by sharing credible and actionable intelligence with relevant authorities”, the clergy men asserted.

They further lauded the efforts of the NSCDC that has seen to the sharp decline in oil bunkering, vandalism and other criminal activities in the oil producing areas in particular and the nation in general.

“We note that the NSCDC, in recent times, under the leadership of Dr Audi Abubarkar has been at the forefront of various initiatives and reforms geared towards safeguarding public assets, notably in preventing oil bunkering in the Niger Delta and beyond. We appreciate the commitment of the NSCDC leadership in leading the initiative. This is commendable”

“The NSCDC, alongside with other security agencies has by this commitment in the protection of public assets earned our moral support. The joint exceptional performance in protecting critical national assets, ensuring the success of peace mission operations, and efficiently handling election duties have earned our nation a reputation worth sustaining.

“According to reports, there’s a sharp reduction on incidents of vandalism and theft of public assets. We firmly believe that increased inter-agency cooperation such as the one we are launching today and several others that might come will enhance the gains made by the NSCDC under its current leadership. Indeed, working together, we can maximise our efforts to protect public assets and create a safer society for all Nigerians.

“This partnership between the CBICC and President Tinubu’s administration on public assets protection exemplifies the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) agenda of our organization. By this support, security agencies especially the NSCDC would be encouraged to do more.

“We emphasize the need for every individual to take personal responsibility for protecting public assets. Active engagement with the NSCDC and other security agencies will strengthen our collective commitment to the preservation of these assets. This awareness campaign is therefore an independent initiative to boost the morale of the relevant security agencies towards prioritizing public assets protection.

“Religious leaders in particular must domesticate and expand this awareness campaign in their places of worship so that the message will be internalized by the masses”, the group added.


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