Former media aide to ex-President Goodluck Jonathan, Reuben Abati, raised concerns about the roles and diplomatic precedence given to President Bola Tinubu’s sons, Seyi and Yinka, during their recent trip to Qatar. Abati, co-anchoring Arise TV’s “The Morning Show,” found it disturbing that the president’s sons were placed before ministers on the protocol list.

Expressing his views, Abati emphasized the need to understand the professional occupations of the president’s children, questioning their contributions and qualifications for the roles they were assigned. He pointed out the potential discomfort and embarrassment caused by individuals “hanging around” solely due to their familial connections.

Abati highlighted the importance of individuals holding themselves accountable and not relying solely on family positions. He critiqued the order of protocol, noting that diplomatic precedence was given to Tinubu’s sons before ministers, raising questions about their roles and qualifications for such positions.

The former media aide urged a reevaluation of situations where individuals of privilege may overstep their roles, emphasizing the need for personal achievement and independence regardless of familial connections.


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