Twins often share a deep connection, look alike, and might even seem to complete each other’s thoughts. But there’s much more to their story than just their striking similarities. Here are seven intriguing facts about twins that you might not have known:

  1. A Third Type of Twin Exists
    Beyond identical and fraternal twins, there’s also a rare type known as mirror image twins. These identical twins have their physical features reversed from one another, such as having birthmarks on opposite sides of their bodies.
  2. Height Influences Twin Birth Rates
    Taller women have a higher likelihood of having twins, a phenomenon linked to a protein called insulin-like growth factor (IGF). This protein, more common in taller individuals, can stimulate the ovaries to release multiple eggs during ovulation.
  3. Fraternal Twins and Genetic Links
    If twins run in your family, it’s likely due to the mother’s genetics. Fraternal twins result from the release of multiple eggs during ovulation, a trait that can be inherited from the mother’s side.
  4. Twins May Develop Secret Languages
    Around 40% of twins create their own unique language, known as “cryptophasia.” These private languages usually emerge in early childhood and often fade as the twins grow older.
  5. Interaction Begins in the Womb
    Twins start interacting with each other as early as 14 weeks into pregnancy. They can be seen touching, making gestures, and even playing together, suggesting a deep prenatal connection.
  6. Different Fathers for Fraternal Twins
    In a rare occurrence, fraternal twins can have different fathers. This happens if a woman releases multiple eggs and has intercourse with different partners during her fertile window, allowing each egg to be fertilized by sperm from different men.
  7. Unique Fingerprints for Identical Twins
    Despite sharing nearly identical DNA, identical twins have different fingerprints. This uniqueness arises from the combination of genetic and environmental factors during fetal development, highlighting both their similarities and individual differences.


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