Telegram CEO Pavel Durov has been released by French authorities after being detained over allegations that the messaging platform he founded was being used for illegal activities. Durov is now awaiting a court appearance, where a judge will decide whether he will be formally investigated as part of an ongoing probe into organized crime associated with the app.
According to a statement from the Paris prosecutor’s office, as reported by the Associated Press, “An investigating judge has ended Pavel Durov’s police custody and will have him brought to court for a first appearance and a possible indictment.”
The 39-year-old Russian-born billionaire was arrested on Saturday, August 24, at Le Bourget Airport in France after arriving from Azerbaijan on a private jet. His detention was part of an investigation launched by France’s National Anti-Fraud Office on July 8, focusing on alleged criminal activities facilitated through Telegram. The investigation covers a range of accusations, including drug trafficking, fraud, money laundering, distribution of child sexual abuse material, aiding criminal transactions, and non-cooperation with law enforcement.
In response to these allegations, Telegram has reiterated its commitment to complying with European Union laws, including the Digital Services Act, stating, “It is absurd to claim that a platform or its owner are responsible for abuse of that platform.”
Under French law, Durov was held in custody for up to 96 hours, the maximum period allowed before charges must be filed.