….Leaders help fix Democracy, children are watching

Amidst the ongoing political turmoil in Nasarawa State, a fervent and unique protest unfolded on Monday as women took to the streets in a ‘protest of silence’ demanding justice for what they claim to be a stolen mandate since March, 18, 2023.

Led by Jamilatu Yakubu Huseini, Sarah Osakeli, and Mrs. Lydia Cletus Auta, these women vocalized their demands in a symbolic manner, with Huseini stating, “Today’s protest is a different one; it is a protest of silence. Our men are tied, there is confusion, and hence, we, the women, are speaking out.”

The protest, laden with emotional pleas, aimed to draw attention to the alleged injustice of uncounted votes and the call for the rightful winner, Ombugadu, to be announced as the governor of the state. Osakeli urged, “We want the Supreme Court to count our votes. We are suffering in Nasarawa state. We beg the President to intervene.”

Highlighting the harsh realities faced, Auta expressed the anguish of a stolen mandate, pointing fingers at security forces for allegedly suppressing the male protesters. “Our men are incapacitated; they’ve shut them down, hence the visual representation of them in chains. We are bleeding, calling on the President to help Nasarawa from sinking.”

The elderly Auta emphasized the urgency for justice: “We desire better. We have been protesting for a long time now, pained that our mandate was stolen. Let us do the right thing.”

Echoing these sentiments, Huseini emphasized the importance of this fight for the sake of future generations. “Our children are watching, and they are seeing what is happening. It is time to change the narrative and give the right verdict.”

The women collectively conveyed their determination to see justice prevail. With inscriptions on placards and their powerful silence, they sought attention not just for themselves but for the entire community, urging leaders to prioritize the needs of the citizens.

Daily Sun reports that as Nasarawa awaits the final resolution from the Supreme Court, the echoes of these women’s silence resonate as a call for justice, transparency, and a better future for their state.


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